OUR MISSION: To improve, encourage, and advance figure skating through its member clubs and to provide a forum for the exchange of information among the membership for their mutual benefit. To foster a willingness by the area clubs, rinks, coaches and local U.S. Figure Skating officials to work together to advance the skills of the skater. If we can unite these sources in this effort, we can make the Northwest a leader in the Pacific Coast skating community.
For more information about Pacific Northwest Interclub Association, Inc., go to our History page. |

2025 PNW Basic Skills Series!!!
(Click here to find out more info)
(Click here to find out more info)
Many of updates to our website ahead. We are trying to add helpful links to all of our members. Skaters, parents, coaches, and officials can use our helpful links that are needed quick and fast. Club Board members need to look at USFSA Links to make sure you are always up to date with USFSA changes & updates. Safe Sport is a huge topic this year, so make sure your club is up to compliance. Learn to Skate programs and ideas. Together, we can help build our sport.
Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer
Excerpt from Guide: Welcome to Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer™! We are so happy you have decided to join us in our effort to Turn Cancer Upside Down™! This guide contains important information about the Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer program as well as step-by-step instructions to assist you in preparing, implementing, and enjoying your Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer fundraiser.
Click here for the Guide.
Click here for the Guide.
Skating Events / Seminars for the Winter
Click here for some great opportunities to improve your skating!
Looking for a Test Session?
Use our new Competitions & Test Sessions calendar to find a test session.
Upcoming Local, Regional or Sectional Competitions
Go to the Competitions page for information about upcoming competitions.
Competition Results
Figure Skating Championships, go to the Competitions Results page
(also has the non-qualifying results).
Competitions Results page.
(also has the non-qualifying results).
Competitions Results page.
PNIC is Now on Facebook!
Click "Like" on our Facebook page and follow to get quick updates,
and social media on PNIC events.
and social media on PNIC events.
Have a question? Use our Contact Us form or go to our Board Members page to contact a specific person or officer.