Skate Safe
As we're approaching the end of the 2022-23 season and preparing for the 2023-24 season, we wanted to share some important information with you as a U.S. Figure Skating club leader or Learn to Skate USA® Director.
- All Adult Participants (i.e., coaches/instructors, athletes, officials, volunteers, club and program leaders, etc.) are required to report suspected child abuse and/or sexual misconduct to the U.S. Center for SafeSport and local law enforcement. Reports can be made to the Center here or by calling 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233).
- All other SkateSafe® violations, such as emotional and physical misconduct, bullying, harassment or violations of the U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe® Handbook, can be made directly to U.S. Figure Skating here.
- Please note the reporting form for U.S. Figure Skating has been updated to a new platform. If you have this saved or published anywhere, please update to the new link:
- While you are reviewing your documentation and web pages for reference to the U.S. Figure Skating reporting form, we ask that you also check for the following:
- Adding ® to both SkateSafe® and Learn to Skate USA® mentions as they have registered trademark designation. This should be added for every use of the phrase.
- Please make sure reference to the program is properly named SkateSafe® (one word), not SafeSkate or SafeSport. SafeSport is only used to reference the U.S. Center for SafeSport or SafeSport™ Training.
- Please make sure all links are accurate and working. The correct version of the SkateSafe® Handbook can be found here. If you do not want to individually manage each SkateSafe® document and resource on your webpage, we recommend linking to the SkateSafe® webpage.
- U.S. Figure Skating’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) ensures that we take seriously the need to foster an environment where all members can show up as their most authentic selves safely. We are committed in policy, principle and practice to sustain a nondiscriminatory approach on and off the ice for all members and will not tolerate any acts of discrimination or harassment of members based on race, color, religion, age, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation or national origin. You can find more information on U.S. Figure Skating’s DEI program here.
- The Procedures for Event, Program and Activity Organizers has been updated to reflect the most recent changes in language from the U.S. Center for SafeSport. The primary change is reflected in Section 3 – communication within 30 days of the event is no longer required, although the specified communication is still required to be sent to the appropriate parties at some point prior to the event.
- During the 2023-24 season, we will continue performing informal event Look & Learns and adding formal event assessments to our schedule. Continue putting the Procedures for Event, Program and Activity Organizers into practice and more information to come in the spring!